Student Solution


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Week 7_Intro to marketing

Week 7_Intro to marketing

Q Week #7 Discussion You manage the check-in operation for a major airline. You are visiting your staff at Gatwick airport when ten of your planes have to be withdrawn from service for safety checks. The queues of angry passengers are building up and you can see staff at a competitor’s check-in looking smug and preparing to lure some of your customers away. What are you going to do? How can you come out of this with an even better reputation for great service?

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Service is a very important part in any organization and the staffs should be aware of this. According to the text book, service is very important for the organization as well as the customers (Masterson, Phillips & Pickton, 2017). It has been seen in studies that economy is directly related with service as the wealthier the customers are, the more service they demand due to the fact that they do not hesitate to spend more money on things, especially leisure activities. The whole service business is based on this fact that customers demand service from the organizations, even in the most problematic times. Service is a very important part as it helps to retain customers.